
August 30, 2011

Making yourself Relevant on Etsy - In 3 Easy Steps

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Melody said...

Thanks for the tips. I try to make mine relevant, but I know I fail in a lot of ways because when I search my own tags I don't come up at all! Even if there are only 8 returns on a search, my item that has all of those tags won't show up. That's my big confusion.

An Optimistic Cynic said...

Great tips. I've been changing up my tags and titles seeing what works with relevancy.

I have noticed a drop in veiws, but not in sales, so I figure this means that each veiw is counting more!

Unknown said...

@An optimistic Cynic - Great to hear! I think it's great to get more targeted views rather than views where they won't count. Let me know if it keeps up!

Unknown said...

@Melody, I'd like to take a look at your shop and see what I think. . . sometimes its just something really simple that we can't see because we're too close to the item. Wishing you lots of luck.
