
April 23, 2008

New project

I have this very pretty yarn in my stash that I'd purchased to make a sweater for Travis. It never seemed to go in that direction so I've been making other projects with it. I have promised myself that I will, one day, take the fortitude needed to make a sweater for Travis. When that day comes, I'm sure it will be one of great acheivement for me. But for now, this yarn is being re-allocated.

This was a project I started on the train and decided it was worth the time and energy to complete. As I watched it unfold I got excited at the possibilities. I'm almost done with it so I guess you can look for it in my Etsy shop, but I wanted to share the beautiful sunny day we had that I was able to enjoy with my knitting. Yes, those are my shiny addi turbo needles glistening in the sunshine

What can be better than sitting outside in mid 70's temps with a breeze lightly carressing you and knitting? If you know, tell me!

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